Friday, March 7, 2014

Small Premium Gold Spoilers (Updated 03/18/14)

Premium Gold is set to hit shelves in three weeks, and today, the first true spoiler for the set was revealed over on Shonen Jump's website.

It's Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, and from the looks of the proxy it'll be a Gold Secret Rare. Pictures of the three God Cards were also displayed, but we've known about them being in the set for quite some time now.



03/08/14 Update: I've found a picture of what appears to be a magazine advertisement that spoils a few other cards:

The newly revealed cards are:

Black-Feathered Dragon
Number C6: Chrnonomaly Chaos Atlandis
Dark Armed Dragon
Judgment Dragon

It's hard to tell what exactly their rarities are, but I should note that the news from yesterday of Ryko being a Gold Secret appears to invalidate what Konami has previously stated about the nature of these Gold Secrets; namely, that each would be "either a brand new, never-before-seen card, or one of the Legendary God Cards." (Source: But in any case, I'm still excited about this news since it means we're just getting closer and closer to the set's release.


03/11/14 Update: Yet another small spoiler from Premium Gold, this time from Konami's blog! Guess who's coming to dinner?

Or rather, who will be cooked for dinner? Either way, I still find it difficult to say for sure exactly which rarity this will be, so time will have to tell. Only 17 days until the official release of Premium Gold!



03/13/14 Update: Another small spoiler from Premium Gold! Thank you based Konami for the spoilers.



03/17/14: And the newest spoiler is...



03/18/14: This foil will probably look really nice, but just make Veiler a common already!


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